Energy rating for software Green tech starts with the software!

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[ Ahodzil is from Navajo "Ahóodzil", meaning energy. ] Have you considered software’s impact on the environment? Did you know? If apps were on average more optimised, you would have double the battery life on your device! This should not be a big issue, but we now need a phone app and data processing in the cloud to perform all those functions like unlocking doors, accessing home cameras remotely, loading a sports stream, and so on. Millions of people are performing these functions every minute of the day, and the energy consumption quickly adds up. Hardware, on the other hand, has progressed so much that it broke Moore’s Law , while software still demonstrates the same or slightly worse performance. This is caused by a combination of many factors, but the most important ones are the convenience of modern programming, and the recent advances in “Artifical Intelligence” and “Machine Learning”. However, it does not have continue like this. A lot of efforts are being coordinated to "take back" the energy cost offset, but the most important aspect is the software it runs on. This is where we can help. Let’s compare the pace of progress between software and hardware. Popular productivity software tools like calendars, calculators, messaging, and so on, have remained largely unchanged since the mid-90s. When looking at artificial intelligence and machine learning, it is important to note that what is currently being done is in most cases unscalable and inefficient. Take for instance the need to build power plants to supply “AI” with energy and operate on 150,000W. Compare that to a human brain which operates on average between 15-25W. That is when one can question the efficiency of the software that powers “AI” and why it is not being improved. Software runs on billions of devices, everywhere across the globe, and in space. For most uses, the software sends very specific instructions to the hardware, like handling a locking mechanism of a car or a device, measuring signals, tracking movement, and similar one-offs. We can help you save money and the environment with just one solution! We’re making a sustainable framework to help companies manage their carbon emissions caused by inefficient software. First, we will help companies by cooperating with them to measure and ensure scalable software performance. This will help build data for the rating and prepare for the framework. We are eager to help anyone wanting to try, so please contact us if you are interested in this! Second, we will launch the framework that will attach itself close to the compiler. It will automagically convert slow code to fast Assembly where possible, and provide improvement points when ambiguous code is detected. This will allow most development to continue as before, but with all the performance benefits. (TBD 2024-2025) Did you know? Some programming frameworks add a lot of software overhead! We are planning three tiers of rating. This is to keep it simple, and to give a starting point that efficiently explains their ratings. Rating C (Needs improvement) This is when there is a need to improve the software, and actions to fix this have not yet been taken. Rating B (Under improvement) This is when an effort to improve software has been taken, but might be unfinished, and that there is room for more improvement. Rating A (Sustainable development) This is when the software has been proven and verified to perform sustainably for user- oriented interactions within reasonable limits. Our rating helps you show your dedication to a sustainable future. Software depends on the hardware it runs on. Whether it is an interpreted (JS) or compiled (C) language, software will only do what it can within the physical limitations of the hardware it runs on. Our framework is based on understanding the hardware. Compiled languages Interpreted languages Ahodzil's framework Rates and optimises code where possible, and provides feedback on ambiguity. Compiler Assembly Machine language 0 1 Performance-based development brings many benefits! A scalable track towards reducing carbon emissions. Higher customer satisfaction, meaning less unsubscriptions. Lower running costs for SaaS and similar in the cloud. Lower latency for the user, which improves UX and waiting time. Less maintenance as the code scales towards low-end devices. Improve instead of fix, add new user-requested features faster. Programming is physics! Did you know? Some programming languages are overall faster than others, but it is up to the developer to use these efficiently.